I am writing this in the hopes that another soul in need of healing might find refuge in my testament of recovery. How I found peace and sobriety is not solely exclusive to me, it can be found by anyone seeking it and I hope perhaps my words of hope will resonate with others that find themselves in the dark spiral of addiction as I once did. For those suffering as I did, a great place to start finding the light is with Guy Yeadon’s program.
I can without doubt say that it was not until I met Guy Yeadon at The Last Resort Recovery Center that I came to understand the nature of my salvation was much deeper than I had ever anticipated, encompassing my deepest spirituality and my innermost connection to my higher power. My life was pure anxiety and cloudiness when I arrived, further from happiness, spirituality, and inner peace as a person can possibly be. I was like a tv unplugged from the cable line, blaring the static screen on the highest volume, completely void of meaning or direction yet somehow demanding attention and audience in my madness. In short, I was as lost as a person could be, shrouded in sadness, trapped in my own demise of addiction, and desperate.
What brought me back to life was nothing short of a multifaceted miracle, but one aspect I accredit with being most vital, Guy’s teachings. His lessons on spirituality and meditation brought all other aspects of my recovery into focus, like the static tv screen finally settling on a clear channel I began to grasp the essence of life and the desperately needed clarity of mind to start the healing process. He taught me how to be at peace in my own mind, to reestablish a clear line of communication for worship and prayer, to reunite with my higher power, and defined the endless meaning of the words “inner peace” and “serenity” with unwavering grace and patience. To say his teachings and kindness saved my life would be no exaggeration. To those seeking sobriety, peace, self-love, and healing, I encourage you to begin with Guy’s program, it very well could save your life as it did mine.
I am a little over one year sober by the grace of God, but I can honestly say I would not be here if not for the selfless love, advice, teachings, guidance, and direction from people like Guy. I had been an active drug addict for 21 years before I met Guy. Heroine, cocaine, GHB, marijuana, and other drugs ruled my life. Today, God’s will guides my path instead of substance abuse. I pray anyone who reads this would find hope and direction for their own recovery and would seek spiritual guidance, meditation therapy, and hope through Guy’s teachings because I am a living testament to its success. To all those caught in the spiral of addiction and its hopelessness, please know you can find the light, you can be whole again, you can find inner peace and serenity as I did.
To Guy, my family and I send our eternal thanks and gratitude, what you did for me will never be forgotten. Please keep up the good fight Guy, what you do saves lives, lives just like mine. I know your job isn’t easy, far from it, but may God guide you and give you strength. Thank you Guy, thank you for helping me find a second chance at life.